What's new [since January, 2019]

Newly arrived online-available data
(Weekly Report)
Real-time (quicklook) Dst and AE indices in this month
- Since December 2024, the digital values of the real-time AE indices have been published in addition to their quick look plots. These real-time digital values are published after a quick quality check and calibration with a delay of approximately three weeks or less. ASCII files in a WDC-like format are available from the following repositories https://wdc.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ae_realtime/data_dir/ [February 10, 2025]
- ASY/SYM index for January 2025 are now available. [February 4, 2025]
- Provisional Dst index(Plot and data output) for June - October 2024 is now available. Note that May - June 2024 has been recalculated by updating the data.
[January 28, 2025]
- "E's magnetic field?" page has been updated with the release of IGRF-14. [January 15, 2025]
- Statistics of Homepage was updated.
[January 10, 2025]
- Final Dst index(Plot and data output) for 2017 - 2020 are now available. Note that there is a caveat regarding missing data. [August 5, 2024]
- Provisional AE index (to be updated in the future) for May 10-14 2024 is now available.
[June 3, 2024]
- Staff list was updated.
[April 8, 2024]
- Provisional AE index(Plot and data output) for July 2019 - December 2019 is now available.
[January 5, 2024]
- The latest data of "Ionospheric conductivity model (height profile)" and "Global ionospheric conductivity model" are automatically updated and can be output until the end of next month. [October 13, 2023]
- Outline Page (MS Word file)
was updated.
[April 12, 2022]
- Our website is now always-on SSL; http access will be redirected to https.
http://wdc.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ --> https://wdc.kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ [April 1, 2022]
- World Data Center
for Geomagnetism, Kyoto, Data Catalogue No. 32, Feb. 2020
is now available.
[March 4, 2020]