
Plot and data output of Dst and AE indices (Hourly Values)

Dst: [1957 - ], AE: [Jul., 1957 - ]
AU/AL/AO is available for since 1966.
The AE indices for 1988 (Jul. - Dec.) and 1989 (except for Mar.) have not yet been derived.

Provisional AE index for 2019 are now available. [January 5, 2024]
Provisional AE index (to be updated in the future) for May 10-14 2024 are now available. [June 3, 2024]
Provisional Dst index for May 2024 are now available. [July 12, 2024]
Provisional Dst index for 2023 are now available. [July 17, 2024]
Final Dst index for 2017 - 2020 are now available. *caution about the index regarding to the data missing (datails) [August 5, 2024]


AE Index Home Page / On AE Indices
Dst Index Home Page / On Dst Index
ASY/SYM and AE indices (1 min. values)

Period (Max 25 years)

Start Year : + + Month:

End   Year : + + Month:

Output Type


PostScript files can be displayed with GhostScript.

To save Data list in file: Select "Save marked pages..." from "File" menu.