Registration for general attendees
- Due to the limited capacity of the conference venue, we request that all non-presenting participants of the conference pre-register by sending the following information to the secretariat of ICTSA2017: ictsa2017(at) with subject title: Pre-registration. (Please replace (at) with @ mark.)
- After receiving the following pre-registration form from you, we will send you the URL of the travel agency where you can register, pay the registration fee (10,000.JPY) by card. Online registrations are accepted by October 22, 2017.
- The registration fee covers program, lunch bento boxes, refreshment and banquet (Oct 26). Tour (arranged by a third-party) is not included.
- Hotel booking may also be made directly with the travel agency through the online registration system (subject to availability). Please note that October and November are peak tourist season in Kyoto and participants are advised to make their bookings well in advance.
Pre-registration form
1. Name: First (___________), Middle (____), Last (__________)
2. Title: (_______)
3. Affiliation: (_________________________________________)
4. Postal Address of the Affiliation: (_________________________)
5. Home Address: (_______________________________)
6. E-mail Address: (____________________________)
Confirmation of E-mail address (_________________________)
7. Phone number: (__________________________)
8. Dates of Participation (Yes or No):
Oct. 25 (Wed) (____)
Oct. 26 (Thu) (____)
Oct. 27 (Fri) (____)
9. Participation in the Conference Party (Oct. 26): (Yes or No)
10. Accompanying person: ( if yes, number of person(s) )
11. Participation in the post conference tour on Oct. 28(Sat) (advance payment (4,000JPY) in cash is necessary on registration desk): (Yes or No)
Thank you very much for your interest in this conference.
LOC of ICTSA2017