Meeting schedule

Social Program

September 3, 17:50 - 19:50
At the International Conference Hall
Drinks with snacks
September 5, 19:00 - 21:00
At the International Conference Hall
Buffet style
with a traditional performing art in Kyoto

Sessions and Convenors

(Room: ICH-Ⅱ+Ⅲ)


Session 1 (S1): Opening Talks

Chairs: J.B. Minster and T. Watanabe

10:00-10:10Greetings from NICT/WDS-IPO
H. Miyahara
10:10-10:20Greetings from ICSU
R. Kuroda
10:20-10:30Greetings from CODATA
H. Guo
10:30-10:40Greetings from Science Council of Japan
H. Karaki
10:40-10:50Greetings from Kyoto University
K. Yoshikawa
10:50-11:05Introductroy Talk of the 1st WDS Conference
J.B. Minster
11:05-11:10From LOC (Practical infomation)
T. Iyemori

11:00-11:15COFFEE BREAK

Session 2: What is ICSU WDS

Chairs: T. Watanabe

11:25-11:55What is ICSU WDS?
J.B. Minster
11:55-12:15Data Publication
M. Diepenbroek
12:15-12:30WDS-IPO and NICT
Y. Murayama


Session 3: Partnership and coordination

Chairs: M. MOKRANE

13:30-13:50Strategic Coordination of ICSU Data Archives
P. A. Fox
13:50-14:10WDS CODATA Partnership on Data Management
R. S. Chen
14:10-14:30Data Needs for Earth System Science for Global Sustainability: a perspective from IGBP
M. Uematsu

14:30-14:50COFFEE BREAK

Session 4 (Part 1): Activity Reports from WDS members

Chairs: D. Clark and A. Kadokura

14:50-15:10WDS Membership Status
L. Rickards
15:10-15:30The Global Observing Systems Information Center (GOSIC): Comprehensive Portal for Global Climate Data and Information.
H. J. Diamond
15:30-15:50WDS related activity of former ICSU/WDCs in Japan
T. Iyemori
15:50-16:10The Australian Antarctic Data Centre
K. T. Finney, M. Jordan

16:10-16:30COFFEE BREAK

Chairs: D. Clark and A. Kadokura

16:30-16:50Providing quality-assessed oceanographic data and services to the international science community
G. Reed, L. Rickards, A. Troisi
16:50-17:10Development of WDS Russian-Ukrainian segment
M. Shaimardanov, A. Gvishiani, M. Zgurovsky, A. Sterin, A. Kuznetsov, N. Sergeyeva, E. Kharin, K. Yefremov
17:10-17:25Measurements of Total Radio Flux from the Sun for Sixty years
K. Shibasaki

17:25-19:45Poster Viewing and Icebreaker


Session 4 (Part 2): Activity Reports from WDS Members

Chairs: L. Rickards and A. Kadokura

9:10- 9:25The contribution of a Geophysical Data Service: the International Service of Geomagnetic Indices
M. Menvielle
9:25- 9:40Operations of the World Data Centre for Geomagnetism
S. J. Reay, E. B. Dawson, S. Macmillan, S. M. Flower, T. J .G. Shanahan, T. S. Humphries(Edinburgh)
9:40- 9:55Activities and Plan of Center of Geophysics (Beijing) from WDC to WDS
F. Peng, J. Zhang, M. Ma, G. Chen, Y. Li, D. Wang, M. Zhang, L. Peng, X. Yuan, Y. Zhang
9:55-10:10The International Center of Earth Tides as a WDS Service: goals and challenges
J.-P. Barriot, Y. Verschelle, A. Gabillon
10:10-10:25Strasbourg Astronomical Data Centre (CDS)
F. Genova
10:25-10:40Overview of the World Data Center for Space Science Beijing and Recent Activities
Z. Zou, J. Tong

10:40-11:10COFFEE BREAK

Chairs: L. Rickards and A. Kadokura

11:10-11:15Strategy and Current Status of Biodiversity Data Integration in Taiwan
K.-T. Shao, K.-C. Lai, Y.-C. Lin, C.-J. Ko, C.-H. Hsu, H. Lee, Y.-C. Chen, H.-W. Hsu, H.-Y. Li, L.-S. Chen
11:15-11:30Development of World Soil Information Web Services (WoSIS)
N.H. Batjes, H.I. Reuter, P. Tempel, J.G.B. Leenaars, P.S. Bindraban
11:30-11:45Global Argo Data Management and Service in NMDIS
F. Ji, S. Lin, M. Dong
11:45-12:00The British Geological Survey's new geomagnetic data web service
C E.B. Dawson

12:00-13:30LUNCH(+ Poster viewing)

Session5-A: Data Intensive Multi-Disciplinary Science - Disasters Data Management - Co-convened with ICSU Integrated Risk Disaster Research (IRDR) programme

Chairs: A. Wirtz and K. Takara

13:30-13:55Integrated Disaster Risk: From Research to Practice
J. E. Rovins
13:55-14:20The need for data - Natural disasters and the challenges of loss data collection and management
A. Wirtz
14:20-14:40Various database management systems available for analysis and prediction of extreme hazards and disaster reduction
K. Takara
14:40-15:00Data Science for Reengineering of Engineerings beyond FUKUSHIMA
S. Iwata
15:00-15:15Data Integration and Visualization for Multi-Disciplinary Disaster-related Data after Tohoku Earthquake 2011
A. Kitamoto
15:15-15:30Full-text Database of Historical Earthquake Documents in the Ancient and Medieval Ages in Japan
S. Hara
15:30-15:45Multi-disciplinary approaches to intelligently sharing large-volumes of real-time sensor data during natural disasters
S. E. Middleton, Z. Sabeur, P. Löwe, F. Chaves, S. Tavakoli

15:45-16:00COFFEE BREAK

Session 5-B: Data Intensive Multi-Disciplinary Science - Multi-Disciplinary Data Systems for Earth Science -

Chairs: T. Watanabe and F. Genova

16:00-16:20 Managing Very Diverse Data for Complex, Interdisciplinary Science-- Lessons fro the International Polar Year
M. A. Parsons , Ø. Godøy, E. Le Drew, T. F. de Bruin, B. Danis, S. Tomlinson, D. Carlson
16:20-16:40 Data Integration and Analysis System (DIAS), a legacy for Japan's contributions to the Global Earth Observation System of Systems
T. Koike


16:40-16:55 Multi-Disciplinary Data Services for the Ocean, Earth, and Polar Sciences : The Integrated Earth Data Applications (IEDA) Facility
K. A. Lehnert , S. M. Carbotte, W. F. Ryan, V. Ferrini, R. Arko, C. Chan, L. Hsu
16:55-17:10 Mathematical Tools for Geomagnetic Data Monitoring and INTERMAGNET Russian Segment
A. Soloviev, S. Agayan, S. Bogoutdinov, A. Gvishiani, R. Kulchinskiy, A. Chulliat, J. Zlotnicki
17:10-17:25 Long-term variability of winds and tides in the equatorial and low-latitude mesosphere and lower thermosphere
V.R. Narukull, T. Tsuda, D. M. Riggin, S. Gurubaran
17:25-17:40 Study on multi-disciplinary scientific expedition data integration and transect grade change analysis in North East Asia area
J. Wang , Y. Yang, Y. Yang, L. Zhu


Session 6: Application of information technologies to Data Systems

Chairs: B.-J. Minster, B. Yan and T. Ogino

9:10- 9:30 A Science Cloud for Space Weather Operations and Other Researches
K. T. Murata , S. Watari, T. Nagatsuma, M. Kunitake, H. Watanabe, K. Yamamoto, Y. Kubota, Y. Murayama, H. Kato, T. Tsugawa
9:30- 9:50 SPASE: The Connection Among Solar and Space Physics Data Centers
J. R. Thieman, D. A. Roberts, T. A. King
9:50-10:05 Proposed framework for the curation of data in the WDS
P.A. Laughton , T Du Plessis
10:05-10:20 Cellular automata approach for disaster propagation prediction and required data system in GIS representations
K. Arai
10:20-10:35 Digital Geomuseum ? An Open Knowledge and Data Environment for Innovative Research, Education and Society
C. Liu

10:35-10:55COFFEE BREAK

Chairs: B.-J. Minster, B. Yan and T. Ogino

10:55-11:10 Managing and Linking Scientific Data on the Web via VisualDB
Z. H. Shen , J. H. Li, C. Z Li, X. He, X. M. Su
11:10-11:25 Research on Spatial Distribution Patterns of Migrant Bird based on Satellite Telemetry Data and Remote Sensing Data: A Data Mining Approach
Z. Luo, Y. Zhou, M. Tang, J. Shao, B. Yan
11:25-11:40 Metadata Modeling of IPv6 Wireless Sensor Network in Heihe River Watershed
W. Luo , B. Yan
11:40-11:55 Implementation of an Integrated Management System for Global Multipoint Observation
H. Watanabe , K. Yamamoto, T. Tsugawa, S. Ishii, T. Nagatsuma, S. Watari, Y. Murayama, K. T. Murata

11:55-13:30LUNCH (+ Poster viewing)

Chairs: B.-J. Minster, B. Yan and T. Ogino

13:30-13:45 Marine Biodiversity data: a presentation of state of the art systems for data storage, standardization, quality control, data access and visualization.
K. Deneudt , B. Vanhoorne, L. Vandepitte, W. Appeltans, S. Claus, W. Decock, N. Dehauwere, R. T'Jampens, F. Hernandez
13:45-14:00 Space Plasma Simulation and Geospace Science Clouds
T. Ogino , A. Iwadachi, T. Umeda
14:00-14:15 Inter-university Upper atmosphere Global Observation NETwork(IUGONET)
H. Hayashi , Y. Koyama, T. Hori, Y. Tanaka, M. Kagitani, A. Shinbori, S. Abe, T. Kouno, D. Yoshida, S. Ueno

14:15-14:35COFFEE BREAK

Session 7: Data Publication

Chairs: M. Diepenbroek and M. Parsons

14:35-14:55 World Ocean Database
S. Levitus
14:55-15:15 Data Infrastructures at WDCC / DKRZ
M. Lautenschlager
15:15-15:35 Is Data "Publication" the Right Metaphor?
M. A. Parsons

15:35-15:45COFFEE BREAK

Chairs: B.-J. Minster, B. Yan and T. Ogino

15:45-16:05 Connecting scientific articles with research data
IJ.J. Aalbersberg
16:05-16:25 Opportunities and Challenges in Data Exchange: Who Cares if Data and Publications are Linked?
F.L. Murphy
16:25-16:45 Persistent identifiers & catalogues : DataCite ? International consortium for data citation
J. Brase

16:45-16:55COFFEE BREAK

Chairs: M. Diepenbroek and M. Parsons

16:55-17:15 Quality Assurance for Data ? the Journals' Way?
H. Pfeiffenberger
17:15-17:35 The Legal Interoperability of Data
P. F. Uhlir
17:35-17:50 Who is doing a good job in digital preservation? Audit and certification of repositories
D. L. Giaretta

17:50-19:00Poster Viewing, Meetings, etc

19:00-21:00Banquet (Room: ICH-Ⅱ+Ⅲ)


Open Session:

Chairs: L. HORTA and T. Ashino

9:10- 9:30 The WDC ? HHB, The African perspective crossroad!
D. Selematsela
9:30- 9:45 Innovations for the curation and sharing of African social science data
H.L. Woolfrey
9:45-10:00 A Maturity Model for Digital Data Centres (MM-DDC)
W. Hugo , L. Lotter
10:00-10:15 Geophysical Data Stewardship in the 21st Century
C. G. Fox, E. A. Kihn
10:15-10:30 Towards a World Data System for cold and arid regions
X. Li , Z. Nan, L. Wang, L. Wu, Y. Ding, G. Cheng
10:30-10:45 Internationally Coordinated Glacier Monitoring
M. Zemp, S. U. Nussbaumer, R. Armstrong, F. Fetterer, I. Gaertner-Roer, W.Haeberli, M. Hoelzle, A. Kaeaeb, J. Kargel, F. Paul

10:45-11:05COFFEE BREAK

Session 8: ICSU WDS Members' and Partners' Open Forum

Chairs:R. Chen and R. Neilan

11:05-12:20 ICSU WDS Members' and Partners' Open Forum

Summary Session:

12:20-12:40 Summary of the Conference
J. B. Minster


(Room: ICH-I)


Session 4: Activity Reports of WDS members

PS4-01World Data Cente for Geomagnetism, Copenhagen: recent developments
J. Matzka
PS4-02Activities of the International VLBI Service
D. Behrend
PS4-03Present status and future perspective of AE/Dst index derivation
M. Nose, T. Iyemori, M. Takeda, H. Toh
PS4-04The Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level in the 21st Century
L. J. Rickards, A. P. Matthews, K. M. Gordon, S. J. Holgate, S. Jevrejeva, P. L. Woodworth, M. E. Tamisiea, E. A. Bradshaw
PS4-05Activity of the WDC for Cosmic Rays in the Study of Sun - Earth Connections
T. Watanabe, T. Ogino, F. Abe
PS4-06The Activities at WDC for Geomagnetism, Mumbai, INDIA
M. G. Doiphode, R. N. Nimje, S. Alex
PS4-07Present status of the seafloor electromagnetic stations operating in the northwest Pacific
H. Toh, Y. Hamano, T. Iyemori, M. Takeda, M. Nose
PS4-08WDS for Ionosphere and Space Weather - Historical Background and Current Status -
T. Nagatsuma, K. T. Murata, S. Watari
PS4-09Expectation to WDS for global network of worldwide auroral data
A. Kadokura
PS4-10Japanese Contribution to the World Data Center for Oceanography
A. Seta, S. Wakamatsu, T. Miyake, Y. Iwabuchi
PS4-11Data and information activities of SERC, Kyushu University, Japan
S. Abe, K. Yumoto, A. Ikeda, T. Uozumi, George Maeda
PS4-12Information about the World Data Centers for Solid Earth Physics and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. Regional multidisciplinary initiatives of Russian-Ukrainian World Data Centers Segment for occurrence in the World Data System.
N. Sergeyeva, E. Kharin, L. Zabarinskaya, A. Rodnikov, I. Shestopalov, T. Krylova, M. Nisilevich

Session 5: Data Intensive Multi-Disciplinary Science

PS5-01The state of polar data management; the Japanese IPY experience
M. Kanao, A. Kadokura, M. Okada, T. Yamanouchi, Natsuo Sato
PS5-02Beyound data regulation: finding solution to a persitent problem of marine debris and sea surface temperature measurement alone coastline of Lagos, Nigeria.
O.A. Ediang, A.A. Ediang, T. Adelugba, and R. Akpofure
PS5-03 Web-based visualization system for observational data obtained by JAMSTEC research vessels
Y. Yamagishi, S. Tsuboi, H. Gonda, S. Kinoshita, H. Saito
PS5-04Visualization of fluxrope generation process using large quantities of MHD simulation data
Y. Kubota, K. Yamamoto, K. Fukazawa, K. T. Murata
PS5-05Post-event Survey Data of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami
N. Mori (The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Joint Survey Group)

Session 6: Application of information technologies to Data Systems

PS6-01Application and meta data format of Cryosphere Data Archive Partnership (CRDAP)
H. Yabuki
PS6-02Quality Evaluation of Remote Sensing Mapping for Land Cover Based on Cartographic Specifications
S. Liao
PS6-03The British Geological Survey’s new geomagnetic data web service
E. B. Dawson, J. Lowndes, P. Reddy, S. Reay
PS6-04The International Center for Earth Tides XML schema for the Global Geodynamics Project data archives
J.-P. Barriot, Y. Verschelle, A. Gabillon
PS6-05Standardized Materials Data Representation for Data Exchange and Electronic Reporting
T. Ashino
PS6-06Research environment and information service of Space Weather Cloud
S. Watari, H. Kato, K. T. Murata, K. Yamamoto, H. Watanabe, Y. Kubota, M. Kunitake
PS6-07Digital Database of Long Term Solar Chromospheric Variation
R. Kitai, S. Ueno, H. Maehara, S. Shirakawa, M. Katoda, Y. Hada, Y. Tomita, H. Hayashi, A. Asai, H. Isobe
PS6-08State Space Approach to Signal Extraction Problems in Seismology
T. Takanami, G. Kitagawa
PS6-09Metadata Publication and Search System in JAMSTEC
Y Hanafusa, H Saito, Y Abe
PS6-10Solar-Terrestrial data Analysis and Reference Systems (STARS) - a powerful analysis tool for a variety of data and its high potentiality for cooperating research
M. Kunitake, K. Yamamoto, S. Watari, K. Ukawa, H. Kato, Y. Murayama, K. T. Murata
PS6-11Development of a data browsing system for geoscience data using geobrowsers
A. Saito, T. Tsugawa, Y. Akiya, T. Shimizu, M. Yoshikawa
PS6-12A Database Project at the Center for Global Environmental Research in National Institute for Environmental Studies
H. Nakajima, T. Shirai, J. Zeng, E. Maita
PS6-13Geospace Science Clouds
T. Ogino, A. Iwadachi, T. Hori, T. Umeda, F. Abe
PS6-14Multi-level approximation: a tool to integrate spatially heterogeneous and different-type geomagnetic data at local to regional scales.
S. A. Tikhotsky, D. Yu. Shur

Session 7: Data Publication

PS7-01The No-man Geomagnetic Observatory at Abu-Simbel and Its Contribution in Industry and Environment in Egypt
H. A. Deebes, E. M. Abd_EL Al, T. A. Hamed, A. M. Lethy
PS7-02Publication of Atmospheric Radar Observation Database at RISH, Kyoto University
H. Hashiguchi, T. Tsuda, M. Shiotani, M. Yamamoto, T. Nakamura, H. Hayashi, J. Furumoto, M. K. Yamamoto, A. Shinbori, N. O. Hashiguchi
PS7-03An inspection of geomagnetic field observations at Syowa station, Antarctica
K. Takahashi, Y. Minamoto, S. Arita, Tomofumi I, A. Kadokura
PS7-04Solar data archive on web at Kwasan and Hida Observatories, Kyoto-U.
T.T. Ishii, K. Ichimoto, R. Kitai, S. Ueno, S. Nagata, G. Kimura, Y. Nakatani, S.Morita, K. Nishida, K. Shibata
PS7-05A challenge to development of long-term archive for space science data at ISAS/JAXA
I. Shinohara, K. Matsuzaki, Y. Yamamoto, K. Ebisawa
PS7-06Application of LAS on physical oceanographic data services of the South China Sea
C. Xu, S. Li, P.C Mi
PS7-07An Iterative Algorithm for Selecting Optimal Domain Partitioning Models Using Graphical Data Visualization and Space Transformed Plots
K. S. Mwitondi, A. S. Hadi, R. E. Moustafa
PS7-08A method of digitization to extract geomagnetic one-minute data from bromide paper
N. Mashiko, T. Yamamoto, M. Akutagawa, Y. Minamoto


(Room: MR-Ⅲ)