World Data System Asia-Oceania Conference 2017

Dates(CHANGED!): 27 (WED) - 29 (FRI) September 2017
Place: Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan



  The World Data System (WDS) is an interdisciplinary body of the International Council of Science (ICSU) with a mission to promote international collaborations on data stewardship, long-term preservation and provision of quality-assessed research data and data services. WDS is a membership organization federating scientific data centres, data services and networks thereof across a range of disciplines in the natural and social sciences as well as humanities. WDS has 105 members (68 Regular, 11 Network Members and 25 Partners and Associate Members) as of March 2017, but the Asia-Oceania region comprises only 15 members.

  The WDS Asia-Oceania Conference will bring together data practitioners, data repositories managers and researchers to reinforce the data stewardship community in the region and help establish a collaborative system for access to and dissemination of research data. In addition, the establishment of such a regional network will support existing international research priorities such those set by the International Council for Science (ICSU) through its programmes: Future Earth , the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk, and the Urban Health and Wellbeing.

  In response to recommendations of the WDS Scientific Committee and following up on the discussions of the WDS Members Forum 2016, the organizers decided to promote a series of conferences with the aim to: (1) build a real capability on data centres of excellence in the Asia-Oceania region, (2) promote data stewardship cooperation in the Asia-Oceania countries and (3) enhance the Asia-Oceania region participation in the WDS community.

  The main objectives of the first conference, to be held in 2017 (Kyoto, Japan), are the following:

  1. Strengthen collaboration in the Asia-Oceania region to reinforce WDS-oriented activities
  2. Build and expand WDS community in the Asia-Oceania region
  3. Exchange experience on successful WDS trustworthy data-repositories certification and membership application
  4. Encourage former ICSU World Data Centres to join WDS
  5. Introduce advanced technologies to data management
  6. Promote WDS-oriented activities in support of ICSU-led projects in the Asia-Oceania region


The conference will be held at the Maskawa Hall in North Comprehensive Education and Reserach Building, Kyoto University (map).

Provisional Schedule of the Conference:

Date (2017) AM PM
26 SEP (TUE) Cooperative -Event (Data-Analysis Workshop on Solar-terrestrial Environment) Cooperative Event (Data-Analysis Workshop on Solar-terrestrial Environment)
27 SEP (WED) Registration, Opening talks Keynote talks, Discussions on Strategies of the Conference
28 SEP (THU) Reports of data-oriented activities International and Interdisciplinary collaborations on data
29 SEP (FRI) Discussion on action plan Workshop on WDS membership accreditation

Important Dates:

Abstract Submission 17 April - 10 August 2017 (extended)
Application for Support 17 April - 31 May 2017
Registration 17 April - 15 September 2017 (changed)
Hotel Reservation 25 July - 15 September 2017 (changed)

*Link to a Hotel Reservation page (Art Tourist Co.)

*No registration fee required. Participants who attend the conference dinner (28 SEP) need to pay 5,000JPY on the registration desk.

*On the travel support, priority will be given to young scientists/early career scientists.

Contact Point (LOC):

E-mail: wdskyoto2017(at)kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp

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