
K B Agadi*
*School of Library and Information Science, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar-382030, Gujarat State, India


This study highlights perception of a Research Data Management (RDM) perspectives and provides conceptual framework and role of the academic library in developing RDM. This paper also explores the systems development of RDM service by considering the data discovery services, academic scholarships, knowledge creation, discovery application and sharing of information in the university environment.

RDM initiative in university library being the heart of the knowledge life cycle and centre and centre ingredients to the scholarships of discovery integration, teaching and learning applications. This paper explores the ways of implementing and integrating open source software for creating libraries. It also investigates the perception of academic libraries researchers on the subject. Academic libraries data collection, processing, and curation can be performed efficiently and also minimizes the costs. The academic library helps to create research data policy and or strategy from an institutional perspective. The university has to established minimum mechanism to support their staff with academic libraries. And also discussed RDM infrastructure using open source software in academic library integrated several open source to implement the RDM system and reviewed types of CMS (content management software) providing researchers to upload data as well as the data searchers to use the provided their own research. It concludes with the significance of advantages of sharing research data in the concept of open access to publication freeing research data make it available.


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