International Heliophysical Year (IHY; 2007-2009) has a remarkable impact to the space and
earth electromagnetism research and society. For Malaysian perspectives, it acts as a spiral point to the
expanding of space weather-related researchers. The research activities involve installation of real-time
Magnetic Data Acquisition System of Circum-pan Pacific Magnetometer Network, i.e. MAGDAS/CPMN
for space weather study and application, which was deployed for the International Heliophysical Year
(IHY; 2007-2009). In addition to MAGDAS system, to understand the characteristics of lower
ionospheric layer (60-150 km) during space weather events, a multi-frequencies data acquisition
monitoring platform has been developed. VLF (3 – 30 kHz) normally used for long
distance communication which use lower ionospheric layer as reflection medium during long wave
propagation (S. N. A. Ahmad, 2015) . The variation of this layer due to space weather events
influences the performance of received signal at the receiver stations (M. Indira Devi, 2008 and
T.Afifah, 2016) . Several types of VLF-UHF antenna (Dipole, Loop and Yagi-Uda) have been
developed to monitor the frequencies within these ranges.
To date, the developed VLF receiver system in Malaysia located at UPSI, UKM and Banting are able to
capturethe transmitted signal from several VLF transmitter located at NWC, Australia (21.8S, 114.2W) in
frequency 19.8 kHz, 3SB, China (39.26N, 103.20E) in frequency 20.6 kHz, JJI, Japan (32.09N, 130.83E)
in frequency 22.2 kHz and VTX, India (08.23N, 77.45E) in frequency 18.2 kHz. All the receiver stations
require good maintenance mechanisms to ensure all the equipment at the site stations are working and
sending their real-time data to the dedicated server (Nur Ain Zakaria, 2017). The parallel data
transmission system has been developed to transfer data from VLS receiver to the computer and as well
as transfer data between computer and remote server. This system integrates interaction between VLF
receiver equipment and embedded systems which open many distributed network of devices that can be
communicated for data transferring.
We are in the process of expanding the number of receiver station in Malaysia and maybe abroad with a
good international collaboration in future. Our working group is also planning to explore the possibilities
to provide open access data to all interested research communities in the spirit to stimulate the human
capital development in the area of Space and Earth Electromagnetism.
We acknowledge Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Perguruan Sultan Idris (UPSI) and National Space Agency of Malaysia for their support in providing locations and technical support. This work is financially supported by Fundamental Research Grant Projects, FRGS (Code No.600- RMI/FRGS 5/3(140/2014), Exploratory Research Grant Scheme, ERGS (600- RMI/ERGS 5/3 (81/2012)) and Sultan Mizan Antarctic Research Foundation, YPASM (Code No. YPASM/RGrant/12-2014/JLD.1 (23)). We also would like to thank International Center for Space Weather and Education (ICSWSE), Kyushu University, Japan and MAGDAS team for the excellent researchcollaborations.
M. Indira Devi, I. Khan, and D. N. Madhusudhana Rao. (2008) A Study of VLF Wave Propagation
characteristic in the earth-ionosphere Waveguide, Earth Planets and Space, 60, pp 737-741.S. N. A. Ahmad , M. H. Jusoh, F. A. M. Kasran , M. Abdullah, B. Veenadhari , T. Uozumi , S. Abe , A.
Yoshikawa and M. G. Cardinal, (2015), Variations of ULF and VLF During Moderate Geomagnetic
Storm At Equatorial Region, (pp. 256-261), International Conference on Space Science and
Communication (IconSpace), Langkawi, Malaysia.
Nur Ain Zakaria , Mohamad Huzaimy Jusoh , Siti Zuriaty Ahmad Zaidi and Zairi Ismael Rizman
(2017), Development Of Space Weather Monitoring Platform For Space And Earth’s Electromagnetism
Observation, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12(10) pp 3308-3311.
T.Afifah , F.Ramli , S.N.A.Ahmad, M.H.Jusoh, (2016), Daytime and Nighttime Variations of VLF Signal
During Quiet Period, (pp. 55-58) IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (APACE),
Langkawi, Malaysia.