Microbial resources are one of the most important natural resources in the world, which is the scientific basis to
support the development of biotechnology and life sciences. WFCC-MIRCEN World Data Centre of
Microorganisms (WDCM), which once hosted in Australia and Japan and then moved to China in 2010, plays a
crucial role in providing a database of microorganisms, analysis of the function and establishing a platform of
international communication.
WDCM launches the international project Global Catalogue of Microorganisms (GCM) to construct a data
management system and a global catalogue to help organize, unveil and explore the data resources of culture
collection worldwide. Now 112 international culture collections from 43 countries and regions joined GCM.
GCM provides a comprehensive view on the microbiological material made accessible online by public
collections, and the function of Analyzer of Bio-resources Citation.
Future developments such as “BIG DATA” technology including semantic web or linked data will allow the
system to provide more flexible data integration broader data sources. Linking WDCM strain data to broader
data sets such as environmental, chemistry and research literature can add value to data mining and targeting
microorganisms as potential sources of new drugs or industrial products.
Cooperation with other organizations and institutions promoted broad utilization of WDCM data platform. The
WDCM is exploring collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) for the establishment of a
database allowing influenza virus information integration. Moreover, the WDCM database is able to provide
services for the implementation of the TRUST code of conduct to allow culture collections to comply with the
Convention on Biological Diversity and Nagoya protocol for Access and Benefit Sharing. The unique strain
identifier available through the WDCM will and the further utilization of information extracted by ABC
implements key provisions of the Nagoya Protocol and provides required transparency, legal certainty while
lowering transaction costs and reducing administrative and governance burdens.
The WDCM will work with Research Infrastructures, Publishers, Research funders, Data holders and individual
collections and scientists to ensure data interoperability and provide the environment for enhanced tools for
research and development. WDCM is prone to evolve and continue. WDCM now started the development of
the data platform to microbiome.