News and Announcements [in Japanese]



地磁気世界資料解析センター News No.84 2004年3月31日
      前回ニュース(2003年1月28日発行, No.83)以降入手、または、当センターで入力したデータの
  ( を、観測所名の省略記号等については、観測所カ
  タログ( をご参照ください。
      Newly Arrived Data
        (1)Annual Reports and etc.
                 SOD, OUJ, HAN, NUR(Dec., 2003 - Jan., 2004), TNB(1999 - 2001),
	  NGK (Nov. - Dec., 2003 - Jan., 2004), MMK TUM (Jan. - Jun., 2003),
	  LOZ (Jan. - Mar., 2004)
        (2)Digital Data
          オンライン利用データカタログ (
         ( をご参照願います。
        (3)Kp index: (
                 Jan. - Feb., 2004
	(4)Magnetogram digital image files:
		ABG (1996), BOU (1973), BRW (1973), CMO (1973), FRD (1973), NEW (1973), NGP (1996),
		PON (1996), SIT (1973), SJG (1973), TKT (1957 - 1965, 1967 - 1975, 1977, 1978),
		TUK (1962, 1964, 1967 - 1969, 1971 - 1982), UJJ (1993, 1994), VSK (1996)
    Quick Look Dst指数( および Quick Look AE
指数 ( は1日以内の遅れで当センターのホームページ
した (。2003年分を載せた「MID-LATITUDE GEO-
MAGNETIC INDICES ASY and SYM(PROVISIONAL)No.14 2003」も配布しました。新たに配布御希望
3.Provisional Geomagnetic Data Plots について
  世界各地で測定された地磁気1分値データをプロットしたProvisional Geomagnetic Data Plotの2004年
  また、2003年7月から12月分を載せた、Provisional Geomagnetic Data Plots No.28 (Jul.-Dec.,2003)
  上記につきまして、算出元のGeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) Potsdam
 (") より下記のように訂正通知が来ております。2004年2
Due to modifications of several K numbers of Fredericksburg observatory, we had to recalculate the Kp numbers
for 2004 January. You have just received the recalculated tables of this month. Please notice, that there are
modifications of the quietest days and most disturbed days of January 2004!
Please excuse me for the troubles which are connected with this.
5.Studies in Geomagnetism at National Geophysical Research Institute, India
     Dr. Nandini Nagarajan,, Head, Magnetic Observatories, National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad,
INDIA, is visiting the World Data Centre for Geomagnetism, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto from 1
Feb to 31st March 2004 under the Japan Society of Promotion of Scoence (JSPS) program on a Short Term
     The National Geophysical Research Institute is India's premier earth science laboratory, involved in
multi-disciplinary research. The Institute's mandate is to carry out basic and applied research in the frontier areas of
 solid earth geophysics, acquire new information about the Earth's interior by electrical, magnetic, thermal and
gravitational fields, study the lithospheric and crustal evolution in space and time using integrated geological,
geochemical, geophysical and geochronological methods and to innovate techniques for exploration of mineral,
hydrocarbon and ground water resources by geophysical methods. Providing hazard estimation, geo-technical studies
 and monitoring of seismically active regions in India are growing areas of activity.
               < Hyderabad (1964-present) and Ettaiyapuram (1980-2002) >
     Geomagnetic measurements commenced in 1964, with normal magnetic recording and induction coil and earth
current measurements for magnetic pulsations. Study of equatorial characteristics of magnetic pulsations and
low-latitude geomagnetic phenomena have been major themes of research. Airborne magnetic surveys and
 electromagnetic studies were carried out since 1970's. Wideband magnetotellurics and magnetic measurements are
 being used in diverse applications. These are - hydrocarbon prospecting in the volcanic - covered regions of
peninsular India and Himalayan foothills, geothermal exploration, seismo-tectonic and lithospheric studies.
        < Proton magnetometer >                < DIM - 100 magnetometer >
 < Magnetic Observatories of National
  Geophysical Research Institute>
  Rescue - Archiving of magnetograms
     Dr. Nagarajan is a member of the Task Force for the Project:‘Rescue’- Archiving of old magnetograms
being executed by IAGA with funding from ICSU. In this connection her visit is for the purpose of evaluating the
 diverse methods used in archiving of magnetograms, possibility of evolving a common mode for reporting the
archives, digitsing of magnetograms and discussion of future plans for project. During her stay, she had the
opportunity of visiting Mt Aso Volcanological Laboratory, Kakioka Magnetic Observatory and having discussions
  with members of the staff of the Data Analysis Centre for Geomagnetism and Space Magnetism, Faculty of
Science, Kyoto University, on various topics, such as - storm-time variations and interplanetary parameters,
electromagnetic induction and application of novel methods of estimating short and long term means of variations.
          < at Aso Volcano >                   < Magnetometer at Aso Volcano >
                                                                            (Nandini Nagarajan)
るサービスを開始しました。これは、京都大学21世紀COEプログラム 活地球圏の変動解明 - アジア・
オセアニアから世界への発信 - (代表・余田成男教授)の活動の一環として、地球熱学研究施設(田中