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1997: No. 41 [Jan], No. 42 [Mar], No. 43 [May], No. 44 [Jul], No. 45 [Sep], No. 46 [Nov]
1998: No. 47 [Jan], No. 48 [Mar], No. 49 [May], No. 50 [Jul], No. 51 [Sep], No. 52 [Nov]
1999: No. 53 [Jan], No. 54 [Mar], No. 55 [May], No. 56 [Jul], No. 57 [Sep], No. 58 [Nov]

★地磁気センターニュース No.59/2000年1月25日発行★


      Newly Arrived Data
        (1)Analogue Data
          Normal-run Magnetgrams:
          	Kiruna(1998), Alibag,Trivandrum,Ujjain(1994)
          Annual Reports and etc.: 
           	TTB(1990.1994,1995), VSS(1981,1988,1991), Budkov(1996-97)
		KAK,MMB,KNY,CBI(1998), Tromso(1997), Niemgk(Oct.-Dec 1999) 
		Finnish Obs.(OUJ,HAN,NUR,SOD,  Nov.-Dec. 1999) 

        (2)Digital Data
            Geomagnetic Hourly Values:
                VSS(1981,1988), LNP(Mar.-Oct. 1999), KAK,MMB(Nov.-Dec. 1999), KNY(Aug.-Dec., 1999)
            Geomagnetic 1 Minute Values:
               	LNP(Mar.-Oct. 1999), HTY(Nov. 1999), KAK,MMB(Nov.,Dec. 1999), KNY(Aug.-Dec., 1999) 
		VAL(Dec. 1999)
            Geomagnetic 1 Second Values:
                KAK,MMB(Nov.-Dec. 1999), KNY(Aug.-Dec., 1999)
          Magnetogram Images:
          	HUA(1979-89), TRD(1979, 1983-85, 1988-89, 1993), GUA(1979-81)

        (3)Kp Index
               Kp-Index Table(Nov.-Dec. 1999)
         なお、大半のディジタルデータは当センターのホームページ(URLアドレス                からプロット及びデータ出力が可能です。                  

センターまでお申し込み下さい。なお、Quick Look Dst指数 (および Quick Look AE指数 (
quick.html) は2〜3日の遅れで当センターのホームページから利用できます。




Seismotectonics of the Frontal Himalaya through the Electrical Conductivity Imaging 
Knowledge of sub-surface structures in any seismically active zone and their characterization in ter
ms of geophysical properties is a key to understanding the physical processes causing earthquakes. A
 better understanding of the seismogenic structures can also help to update the seismic zoning map o
f the given region. Therefore, delineation and mapping of the seismogenic structures was one of the 
primary objectives of the All India Co-ordinated Program on the Seismicity and Seismotectonics of th
e Himalayan Region, launched and sponsored by the Department of Science & Technology, Government of 
India. Towards achieving this objective, Geomagnetic Depth Sounding (GDS) studies, in the form of la
rge and local magnetometer arrays, were undertaken in the frontal parts of the Himalaya and contiguo
us shield region. The GDS, which permits to image deep structures in terms of the electrical conduct
ivity, was adopted for two important features. First, GDS using wide band of natural geomagnetic var
iations has the capacity to map large-scale structures that are fundamental to track the tecto-evolu
tion model of the orogene. Second, given the strong dependence of electrical conductivity on tempera
ture and fluid contents, the nature of electrical conductivity distribution can be a sensitive point
er of currently operative geodynamic processes (Gough, Rev Geophys.,27,141-157,1989).              
Geomagnetic induction response functions from more than 70 sites bring out evidence on the number of
 conductive structures, both parallel as well as transverse to the major thrust zones of the Himalay
a. An elongated conductive structure, following the trend of Aravalli range, was delineated mapped b
eneath the Indo-Gangetic Plains (foredeep region) and was found to run into the foothills of the Him
alaya. The structure marked by very high conductivity contrast has been named Trans Himalayan Conduc
tor (THC). It constitutes one of the major induction anomalies mapped by the natural source electrom
agnetic method (Arora et al., Geophys. J.R.Astr. Soc., 69,459-475,1982).                           
Numerical modelling approximates the structure as an asymmetric domal-upwarp at mid-crustal depth. D
rawing on the large conductivity, shear wave velocities and density contrast to the east and west of
 the THC, it has been interpreted as an accretion zone between crustal blocks of oceanic and contine
ntal affinity (Arora, Current Science, India, 64,848-855,1993). Both in terms of orientation and spa
tial extent, the THC coincides with a localized zone of high seismicity emerging out of the Himalaya
n range. It is envisaged that clustering of epicenters along this belt may signify the periodic reac
tivation of the accretion zone in response to the stresses generated due the locking and anti-clockw
ise rotation of Indian plate with respect to the Eurasian plate.                                   
Away from the THC, induction response demarcates the Main Frontal Thrust as a major electrical disco
ntinuity. Comprehensive 2-D geoelectrical model (Fig. 1) along a profile extending from the Indian
shield to the Himalaya, locates a high conductivity  (1 S/m) slab at mid-crustal level beneath the
Indo-Gangetic Plain (Reddy and Arora, J. Geomagn. & Geoelctr., 45,775-785,1993). Consistent with 
the tectonic-collision model of the Himalaya, the conducting layer dip-downs at the Main Boundary
Thrust (MBT) and under thrusts as a low-angle dipping less conducting layer (Fig. 1b). Beneath the
Frontal Himalaya, the top surface of the mid-crustal conducting layer correlates with the plane 
defined by the hypocentres of moderately large earthquakes (M>6.0) and also tend to demarcate
the cut-off depth of crustal micro-seismicity ( Fig1 c and d).  It is suggested that conducting
layer represent a thermal/metamorphic boundary below which fluids, driven off from the underth
rusted sediments or produced by dehydration reactions, be trapped. While the presence of the
fluids can account for the high conductivity, the fluids filled layer at mid-crustal depth
tends to simulate onset of ductile behaviour and hence define the cut-off depth of crustal
seismicity. Presence of fluids along the thrust planes or detachment surface can also reduce the
sliding resistance and, hence, focus tectonic deformations along a linear plane, as evidenced by
the alignment of the hypocentres of the moderate earthquakes. Consideration of the space-time pattern
in seismicity vis-・vis high conductivity zones in the Himalaya and elsewhere on the Indian shield 
permit to infer that the nature of electrical conductivity distribution could be sensitive 
pointer to the reactivation of certain ancient structures during the preparatory phase of earthquake
(Baldev R. Arora, Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Colaba, Mumbai 400 005, India)                 

6.地磁気世界資料解析センター活動報告 (1999年1月−12月)
                            1995    1996     1997      1998       1999
      マイクロフィルム       40本      25本        13本         4本            2本
      マイクロフィッシュ    160枚    130枚        25枚      200枚          12枚
      データブック         60冊      80冊      130冊       80冊          80冊
      データシート       700枚    650枚      650枚      720枚        700枚
      磁気テープ          48本      53本        10本         0本            0本
      フロッピーディスク   113枚      38枚        50枚        36枚          30枚
      光ディスク             13枚        7枚        60枚        60枚          30枚
      ネットワーク         900MB  1000MB   1000MB    1000MB      1100MB
      マイクロフィルム    140本      55本        50本         0本            0本  
      マイクロフィッシュ   220枚      0枚         0枚         0枚            0枚  
      データブック      610冊  1031冊      382冊    1700冊      1300冊
      データシート     1950枚  6549枚    7400枚    3500枚      3500枚
      ファックス             40枚      36枚          1枚          6枚            8枚
      磁気テープ         30本       1本          0本          0本            0本
      フロッピーディスク   210枚    128枚          7枚        45枚            0枚
      光ディスク             16枚      13枚        26枚        31枚          42枚
      ネットワーク       1500MB  4200MB    1900MB     700MB      1200MB
   WWWホームページ                             310000リクエスト430000リクエスト850000リクエスト
           (    2100MB     4700MB   10600MB
        Data Catalogue No.25
     Mid-latitude Geomagnetic Indices ASY and SYM (Provisional) No.9(1999)
         Provisional Geonagnetic Data Plots No.18,19 (July 1998 - June 1999)
         Provisional Dst Index (November 1998 - November 1999)
         地磁気世界資料解析センターニュース (No.53 - No.58)
   (ア)World Wide Web ホームページの追加と更新
         1. 信楽磁場観測データのオンラインリアルタイムマグネトグラムサービス
         2. 準リアルタイム地磁気データ表示
       国外 20ヶ所
       国内    3ヶ所
      3. Near-realtime,prov,final Dst表示
      4. Quicklook AE表示
      5. リアルタイムPi2型脈動検出+データ表示(峰山、信楽)
      6. アーカイブ地磁気データ(1秒値,1分値,1時間値)のプロットとテキストデータ出力
      7. 地磁気AE/ASY/Kp指数のプロットとテキストデータ出力
      8. オンラインデータカタログ(自動更新)
      9. 国際標準モデル磁場(IGRF95)の計算・表示
        10. 国際標準電離層モデル(IRI90)による電離層電気伝導度
        11. オンラインマイクロ画像データサービス開始
        12. データカタログのPDFファイル化とHPからのサービス開始
        13. 観測所年報のPDFファイル化とHPからのサービス開始
   IMP-8, GOES, ETS-VI 等

 (2)WDC for Geomagnetism, Bombayと協力
 (3)WDC for Geophysics (China)と協力 (Old Data Rescue Project)

  SRAMP(STEP Results, Analysis and Modeling Phase)活動の推進

          φRSTED(1999.2 打ち上げ、解析開始)

   国外 計32名   (計13ヶ国)                                
      Ching-L Meng(APL, John Hopkins Univ. USA), J.K.Aballo(Jet Propusion Lab., USA)
      B.Tsurutani(JPL, USA), Tracy Lee(JPL, USA), Mr.&Mrs.A.S.Sharma(Univ. Maryland, USA)
      X.Zhou(JPL, USA),H.Liu(IRF,Kiruna, Sweden), 曹冠宇・呉宝元(中国化学院地球物理研究所)
      X.Zhou(JPL,USA), A.F.M.Zain・M.Abdullar(Univ. of Kabangsaan, Malaysia)
      O.V.Castillo(Instituto Geofisico del PERU), M.Puruker(NASA, USA)
      B.R.Arora(Indian Inst. of Geomagnetism), M.Lockwood(WDC, RAL, UK)
      R.Coles・B.St-Louis・J.Premelee・G.J van Beek(CGS, Canada), B.Green・E.Sauter(USGS, USA)
      D.Kerridge・J.Riddick(BGS, UK), J.Bitterly・M.Bitterly・J.L.LeMouel(IPGP, France)
      O.Rasmussen(DMI, Denmark), P.Hopgood(AGSO, Australia), L.Hegymegi(ELGI, Hungary)
      J.Rasson(Dourbes Observatory ,Belgium)

   国内 計3名 (芳名録記帳者のみ)
      前田 坦(京大理学部名誉教授), 福島 直(東大理学部名誉教授), 大熊茂雄(地質調査所)

      内容:  家森  磁気圏電流およびMHD波動の研究
           亀井  地磁気指数の研究
           竹田   地磁気Sq場の研究
          (荒木) 磁気圏・電離層・地球系の非定常応答の研究
      論文発表数:  学術雑誌掲載 計 7 篇、 Proceedings等 計 4 篇


    亀井 豊永  110422-110426   北京十三陵地磁気観測所	地磁気データ交換打ち合わせ	
  亀井 豊永 110716-110731  バーミンガム大学     共同研究打ち合わせ及び国際測地学・地球物理                           学連合第22回総会(IUGG)出席・講演
  家森 俊彦 110718-110801  バーミンガム大学                         〃
    荒木 徹    110718-110801  バーミンガム大学                          〃