Explanation for online-catalogue output format

Data availability of the observatory from January to December in each year for each project and media is shown in one line.

Format of each record is as follows:

1X   : Space
A19  : Name of the observatory
1X   : Space
A3   : ABB Code
2X   : Space
F8.2 : Geographic latitude
F8.2 : Geographic longitude
F8.2 : Geomagnetic latitude
1X   : Space
A6   : Project(*1)
1X   : Space
A4   : Media(*2)
1X   : Space
I4   : Year
1X   : Space
12I1 : Information of data existence for each month of the year(*3)

(*1) * Projects *
HORMAG  :Geomagnetic Hourly Values
NORMAG  :Normal-run Magnetograms
RAPMAG  :Rapid-run Magnetograms
HORTEL  :Hourly Values (Earth Current)
NORTEL  :Normal-run Tellurigrams 
RAPTEL  :Rapid-run Tellurigrams
1MNMAG  :Geomagnetic 1.0-min. Values
1SCMAG  :Geomagnetic 1.0-sec. Values

(*2) * Media *
FILM  :Microfilm
BOOK  :Book or Sheet
FICH  :Microfiche
DIGT  :Digital

(*3) * Availability *
Data availability from January to December is shown by 1
(available) or 0 (unavailable).

Information of the geomagnetic observatories

Status of Data Collection and Information on the Observatories

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